These knives are very popular with horsemen and horsewomen. They are popular because of the slanted design of the sheath; the knife is easy to access in case of trouble. Hunters and fisherman are also grabbing up these knives for use in the hunting and fishing world as well. These knives are easy to sharpen and stay sharp for a long time while out in the field. The blades are made of a 1095 high carbon steel, which makes a great all around knife. The texture is a fire etching done in a coal forge. The blades are hardened to a 58 Rockwell.
A high quality sheath is equally important and all the sheaths are made with Herman Oak leather. The design of the sheaths have been tried and tested and they work.
The Shark Tooth sheath is made to fit on your belt horizontally. The sheath is designed to hold the knife in place so it should not fall out. It is especially comfortable for horseback riders to wear. It's always out of the way and you can get in and out of your pocket easily. This knife has a 3" blade and overall length of 7". This knife makes a nice camping knife for hunters and it is also great for cleaning fish.